2. What fictional being would you be?- Shadowhunter
3.What fictional animal/creature would you keep as a pet?- Unicorn do I need to explain
4.What fictional couple would be your Mom and Dad? I'm not sure I've read allot of books with parents hmmm I'll have to think about that
5.What fictional characters would be your brother and sister?- Issy and alec (mortal instruments )
6. Which fictional character would be your best friend? Cath from fangirl we would be best friends cause we're both in fandoms
7.Choose 3 fictional characters to be your close girl friends?- Hazel ( fault of our stars) Alice cullen going old school ( twilight) Rose hathaway ( vampire academy)
8. choose 3 fictional guy characters to be your close friends - Agustus waters (TFIOS) Levi ( fangirl) uriah (divergent )
9.What fictional character would be your girlfriend/boyfriend?- now in book world I would be a book skank cause there are so many boys that I would love but I'm going to have to pick Agustus waters (TFIOS) sorry Adrian gus on uses cigarets as a metaphor and gus is so loveable I wouldn't say no to him
10.What author would pen your story? I have so many favorite authors but I'm going to have to say John green cause really do I have to say anymore to that he's awesome
That was fun tag - Christina xoxo booklovers Happy reading
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